Aprile Elcich
Product Designer

Presenter Profile: Aprile Elcich is a Product Designer with a design and development background with more than a decade of professional experience building products at all stages, including as a past startup founder. She has worked with a range of clients and companies in various areas, such as software as a service, e-commerce, advertising, pharmaceutical and cyber security. Her interests include user experience design, visual design, front end development, open source, writing, and organizing. Her current focus is on building better tools for design systems and bridging design and development at Supernova.io.

Workshop Title: Complexity: Building Interconnected Design Systems

Workshop Outline: As design mediums become even more complex, our processes and design systems must also adapt and become more sophisticated. The inter-connectedness of our tools plays an important role in how well we can efficiently manage all facets of our design systems, resulting in more effective and cohesive outcomes. This connectivity allows us to communicate more clearly to consumers, increase harmony and consistency in our teamwork, improve scalability, and inevitably lead to more successful design systems.

In this interactive demonstration, workshop participants will explore the following:

  • Principles of interconnected design systems
  • Strategies for structuring design systems at different levels of complexity
  • Tools for managing advanced design tokens
  • In which ways can we increase connectivity across our existing tools?
  • Opportunities to connect and automate existing Design Ops processes
  • How to leverage design system data in your documentation
  • Connecting documentation to Design Ops tools without custom-built solutions

Company Website: https://www.supernova.io